Corrected Butler Ck Map

Make a custom Butler Ck. map and send the link to your guests!

This map corrects many errors in Google maps and other online maps for the Butler Creek area. By using this page to generate custom links, you too can make use of this map with all the correct mapping, available here only.

WARNING: Selecting 'Edit' and clicking on the map will erase any current marker and the associated link. If you want to restore it, reload the page from the link you initially used to get the marker displayed in the first place.

Edit Instructions:

Enter the URL you wish to display below the map in the box below. The URL must be complete, including the 'http://'. The URL must not be overly long. If you have trouble with long urls, try tinyurl.comLink is to outside of this site. Suggested content would be your name, address, phone number, driving directions, etc. If you're concerned about privacy, your information could be displayed as an image instead of text. This is not iron clad, but it deters automated methods of gleaning information. If you're really paranoid, you could place your info behind a password wall and distribute the password to your guests. We're assuming here you have the ability to create a personal Web Page and put it on a web server somewhere. If you cannot put a page on the Web, you can still display a map and marker, specify "butlerckif.htm" for an URL to retain the default page display

URL to your info

Click on the map where you want to add a marker. You can use the map controls and drag the map without placing a marker. You can drag the marker to any location. You can only place one marker at a time. Paste the link below into your browser address box to test. If all goes well, save it as a Favorite in your browser. Copy it into messages to your guests. Paste it into your Web page. Think of a new, novel use. On initial load, the map will always open with your marker centered on the map, and the map zoomed to the same level that was current when you originally placed the marker.

URL to send to your guests

You could build a page of directions with links pointing to each point like this sample. Hint: Your links need the _parent target specified. View the page source after the jump.